March 26

Do you Know Jonathan Winters?


I don’t know who came up with the five-day workweek, but there should be a national holiday named after them.

After the week I’ve had (remember that one of my rehabs got robbed?) I could really use a little rest and relaxation.
God knows all and must have noticed how stressed I was this week because a friend of mine forwarded a video to me this morning of comedian Jonathan Winters doing some improv comedy (this is from 1964 – BEFORE improv comedy even was a thing!) on the Jack Paar show.
It may be in black and white, but it’s amazing how quick-witted he was.Here’s a link to the video:
No real estate lesson here, just some good laughs.
On second thought there is a lesson. I had forgotten how talented those “old school” comedians were. Remember to laugh and appreciate the talents of others. Especially those who have blazed the trail before us.
Committed to your success,
Ernie “What Can I Do With A Stick” Vargas | The Probate Fox


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