I’m writing to you on this Saturday afternoon and we have two more weekends to go before we welcome in the New Year.
Some folks take this to go on a family vacation and some folks just take this to time to enjoy the beauty that this season brings.
Family time and down time, are absolutely important! (my family has already started watching Christmas movies and decorated a gingerbread house), but don’t forget to give your real estate business some end of the year time, as well.
How did your business do for you this year? What did you do right that caused your bank account to receive love?
What would you like to see out of your business in 2019 and what is it going to take to make it happen?
What can you do in the next two weeks to finish off 2018 strong?
Do you have a sense of urgency? Are you already thinking about 2019 and putting action into place today so that you reap the benefits in January and February?
This is absolute crunch time.
New Year, new opportunities, but don’t wait until next year to start.
To your success,
Ernie ” Crunch Time” Vargas