February 22

Nothing But Dust


It’s crazy how fast the days, months, and years go by as you get older. It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago that we were celebrating Christmas and the new year.

Today is Ash Wednesday and that means Lent has begun and Easter isn’t too far away.

Ash Wednesday is important. And although people have different beliefs and practices, you’ll see a lot of people with the mark of Christ on their foreheads. The way the world is today, it’s not easy sharing your faith like that.

And what I find really interesting is what the minister says when he puts the ashes on your forehead, “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

We can get caught up in the busyness of everyday life that we can easily forget what it’s all about.

I try to live my life by the five F’s – Faith, Family, Friends, Fitness, and Finance.

The order of those five F’s is not random. They are listed from most to least important. But sometimes we get turned around and put that last F first. When that happens, all five of them tend to fall apart.

But if you keep them in the right order and keep Faith in its rightful place, everything else falls into place.

Whatever your faith and however you spend your Lent, I encourage you to pay attention to your five F’s and the order they’re in.

To your success,
Ernie “Faith First” Vargas | The Probate Fox


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