June 21

The First Rule of Book Club…


Yesterday I hosted a group discussion centered on the book Full Fee Agent by Chris Voss and Steve Shull.

Now first off, this isn’t a book just for agents. If you are an investor, it is still a powerful read that will help propel your business forward way faster.

We talked about what the book calls “tactical empathy”, and how emotions influence not only ours but also our seller’s decision-making.

And here’s another topic of the book that was really eye-opening for everyone on the call – when you’re prospecting and talking to both sellers and buyers, you will either land as the fool or the favorite.

There are specific, crucial things you can do that will determine which bucket you land in. But sadly, most people end up being pegged as the fool. It’s no wonder so many agents, brokers, and investors are struggling to compete right now.

When I came up with the idea of offering a book club, my intention was to offer it just to my coaching students. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much everyone could benefit from participating in a group discussion like this. So I opened it up free to the public.

To your success,
Ernie “Book Worm” Vargas | The Probate Fox


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