January 11

Will You Be In Los Angeles Next Week?


A few years ago I had an opportunity to attend a Joe Polish movie premiere in Hollywood. It was cool to be at the premier and meet Joe. And his film was really inspirational.

But what really blew me away that day was meeting Chris Voss. He’s the author of the book Never Split The Difference.

I had two of my acquisitions team members with me and introduced them to Chris. I shared with Chris some of the challenges these two young guys were having with prospecting.

It was a beautiful experience because Chris decided to do a coaching session right there and then with my team. We spent some time going over different scenarios and he even did some role-playing with them. It was an amazing evening.

There is power in person-to-person meetings. Whenever I get the opportunity to attend a live event, I instinctively jump at it.

I am hosting an online probate real estate training next week and I am opening up my office in Los Angeles to invite a small handful of people to come on over and join in on this live experience.

There is no cost to attend. And no requirements such as having experience or a track record of any sort. But I do ask that you come with an open mind to learn.

If you were experiencing a challenge of any sort in your business or you’re looking at probate real estate as an opportunity, I’d love for you to join me in person for the event.

And I’d like to share a quote from Joe Polish that he shared that evening.

“If other people are succeeding in your business and you are not, it’s not your business. It’s you.“

Let’s change that!

To your success,
Ernie “Loves It Live” Vargas | The Probate Fox


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