January 4

Narconomics, How to Run a Drug Cartel


Last night my 12-year-old son and I went to a neighborhood Council meeting. 

He is a Boy Scout and is working on a Merit badge (Citizenship in the Community) and was in need of sitting in on an official Government involved meeting.

Now, I have been attending neighborhood Council meetings, town hall meetings, and am even a member of a secret organization within the local city’s police department.


Well, It gives me in depth information of important news that is going on in any given neighborhood that I either live in, invest in, or have rental properties in.

For example, at last nights meeting the local police department shared an incident where apparently a woman was running a methamphetamine drug lab out of a house that her parents bought her. They said she had big plans and the officers even found a book in her house titled “Narconomics, How to Run a Drug Cartel” (had no idea such a book existed). The woman also had letters from her inmate associate who instructed her how to infuse methamphetamine onto paper or greeting cards.

Here is why this matters to you:

I am usually the only real estate professional in these meetings and as a result not only do I get to hear the important information that’s occurring in the community but I also get to be part of the tight knit network making decisions of how the community will take shape. 

Essentially. I have created my own unfair advantage over other real estate investors, as I knowway in advance which properties are in trouble plus I am looked at as the person who they want to help solve the problem which usually means buying the property.

I genuinely care for the neighborhoods I’m involved in but it’s also nice to be able to build a relationship with those that help shape how a neighborhood should be developed.

I created a video where I will talk a little bit more about the story and the town hall meeting advantage. You can click here to watch it.

To your success,

Ernie “Community Meeting Member” Vargas


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