October 21

A Lesson in Life and Business

Earlier today, I found myself sitting across from a young father who looked like he hadn’t slept in days. 

Classic new dad mode. 

As we got talking, he started stressing about wanting to work harder, make more money, and give his kid everything they could ever want. It instantly took me back to my own journey of raising four kids. Now, some of mine are adults, and I’ve learned a few things over the years…mostly through trial and error (lots of error).

I told him, “Look, man, I’ve been there. We all want to give our kids the best, but let me tell you, you can buy them every gadget and fancy toy, but that stuff’s going to gather dust. What really sticks with them is the time you spend with them.” I shared how, sure, there were times in my life when I worked too much and didn’t give as much time as I wanted, but for the most part, I was there. 

And now? 

My kids have become insightful, grounded, and well-rounded individuals. 

The reason?

It wasn’t the stuff I gave them, it was the quality of the time I did spend with them. That’s the real gift.

Then it hit me. This lesson isn’t just for raising kids. 

It’s the same thing in business, especially probate real estate. In probate, you can chase down a hundred leads, but if you’re not giving quality time and attention to those leads that actually need your help, what’s the point? 

A probate client, dealing with all the legal and emotional mess that comes with losing a loved one, will give you way more return on your time if you focus on them. 

Not only will the relationship be better, but the deal itself will often be more fulfilling and profitable.

So, I told this young dad, “Don’t sweat trying to give your kid everything money can buy. Focus on what they really need, your time. 

It’s the same in life, and in business. Quality always trumps quantity.”

We both sat there for a moment, and I could see it sinking in for him. And for me, it was a good reminder of a universal truth I sometimes forget myself.

To your success,

Ernie “Time Is the Gift ” Vargas


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