As I was scrolling through Facebook yesterday, I came across a video of a gigantic tumbleweed rolling down a four lane highway here in California. I’ve never seen a tumbleweed that big – it literally looked like a brown Volkswagen beetle tumbling end over end down the highway. I love living in southern California. The
The Secret Sauce to Working with Probate Attorneys
For real estate investors in the probate market, dealing with attorneys is inevitable. However, many investors, both novice and expert, find themselves intimidated by attorneys. In our society, attorneys are perceived to be well-educated in legal matters and far above the common man on the street. In reality, attorneys are a great resource for the
My Crystal Ball Predictions On the Market Crash
When I’m out speaking at events throughout the country, one question I get asked over and over is when is the market going to crash. We certainly are in an odd situation. People who were lucky enough to lock in near zero percent mortgages just aren’t going to give those low rates up and sell
What Kids Should Really Be Learning in College
Yesterday I celebrated my daughter’s college graduation. Victoria is a tenacious young woman who dug in and worked hard to receive her bachelor’s degree at the tender age of 20. And I’m one proud papa – she graduated Summa Cum Laude which is the highest recognition a student can receive. It is only issued to
The Government Would NEVER Waste Your Money
Over the years I’ve taught a lot of people from all different walks of life how to work probate. What has amazed me is the range of age of people looking to get into real estate. Lately, I’ve seen more and more folks who are either at retirement age or are getting closer to that
Ok, Is NOW the Right Time to Panic?
It seems like the whole world is in a panic. Bank failures, recession, deadly shootings, war in Ukraine. And the news (and our government) loves to keep us strung out in a panicked haze. And the sad reality is that this perpetual state of anxiety can really affect how we approach our real estate business.
Musk’s Latest Fantastic Failure
Last week Elon Musk’s Space X launched the biggest, heaviest rocket that has ever taken flight. I love watching stuff like this – it allows my inner nerd to come out. The launch was immense and impressive. It had 33 Raptor engines pushing it to the sky, although a few of them were damaged during
Death By Treadmill
Do you own a treadmill or do you use one at your local gym? Personally, I like to get outside and hike the hills around Los Angeles for exercise, but a lot of people either don’t have the time or are inhibited by their local weather to get outside this time of year to exercise.
Automating Yourself Out of Business
The 21st century has seen a lot of amazing developments. It’s crazy when you compare how things were years ago compared to now. When I was growing up, my friends and I used to trade cassette tapes and CDs to share music. Now you can just text a link to a friend or share it
What Do Victoria’s Secret and the Probate Fox Have In Common?
Over the years, Victoria’s Secret has become the largest lingerie retailer in the United States. It has become an iconic brand with annual fashion shows that feature models dubbed Angels. But it wasn’t always this way. The story of how they manufactured their success is worth a quick study. The way they market their international
The Government Is Raising Interest Rates to 69.5%
Inflation isn’t just hitting us here in America. It’s affecting economies all over the world. And if you think it’s bad here in the states, take a quick look at Argentina. Their inflation rate just topped a whopping 71%. Their central bank’s response was to raise its benchmark Leliq rate to 69.5%! Now there’s a
Just Stop It. You’re Embarrassing Yourself.
I love stand-up comedy. And I really respect the comedians who excel at their craft. The timing, the wit, the memory – they have a skill set I do not possess, but it’s one that I truly admire.It’s not an easy job. Some comedians rise to the challenge and work hard to hone their skills.
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