Coaching, Personal Story, Probate Investing, Probate Real Estate

The Biggest Mistake New Investors Make…And How to Avoid It

I recently heard a quote that really stuck with me: “The worst thing an entrepreneur can do is run enthusiastically in the wrong direction.” It got me thinking about all the newbie real estate investors I’ve seen over the years—full of excitement but following bad advice. They dive in after watching a YouTube video or

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Probate Investing, Probate Real Estate, Real Estate Investing

My Real Estate Crystal Ball For 2024

I’m in Tampa this week masterminding with some of the biggest and brightest in real estate, not just in the United States, but in the entire world. It’s been an honor to be able to rub elbows and share knowledge with these incredible people. What I really love about these meetings is chatting and networking

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Mindset, Negotiations, Probate Investing, Probate Nugget, Probate Property

Please Take My Money

Financing can be one of the most difficult parts of real estate investing. What most people don’t realize is that they have direct access to millions in private money hiding within your probate records. This month I am moving over 2.1 million in probate and trust real estate from a combined listing, and wholesaling transactions.

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Coaching, Probate Investing, Probate Niche

Stealing From Schmucks

We live in a strange time when it comes to entertainment. With all of the streaming services, we have an unlimited number of options. But when I sit down for a little mindless entertainment, I spend more time looking for something to watch than actually watching something. I mean all I want to do is

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Probate Investing, Probate Real Estate

The Market Flipped Just Like That

Remember a couple of months ago when the market was saturated with buyers and the biggest problem was trying to find inventory? It sort of felt like the “wild west” of real estate. People were doing crazy things. And some were making crazy money. They were gambling on the market overpaying and overleveraging themselves on

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Marketing, Personal Story, Probate Business, Probate Investing, Probate Niche

What Do Victoria’s Secret and the Probate Fox Have In Common?

Over the years, Victoria’s Secret has become the largest lingerie retailer in the United States. It has become an iconic brand with annual fashion shows that feature models dubbed Angels. But it wasn’t always this way. The story of how they manufactured their success is worth a quick study. The way they market their international

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Probate Investing, Probate Niche

What Last Night’s Elections Taught Me About Real Estate

Did you get out and vote yesterday? I did but every time I do I feel like I sold a small piece of my soul. Don’t get me wrong, I have strong faith and strong convictions and I use those two things to guide who I vote for. But I just don’t believe what most

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Negotiations, Probate Investing

We Stopped A Foreclosure With Just 3 Hours To Spare

Data is a weird thing. Sure, numbers are numbers, but most of the time you need to do some digging to see the big picture. Have you seen the foreclosure data that was recently released? Foreclosures are up 153% for the first half of this year compared to the same time period last year. 153%

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Probate Business, Probate Investing, Real Estate Investing

Just Stop It. You’re Embarrassing Yourself.

I love stand-up comedy. And I really respect the comedians who excel at their craft. The timing, the wit, the memory – they have a skill set I do not possess, but it’s one that I truly admire.It’s not an easy job. Some comedians rise to the challenge and work hard to hone their skills.

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Probate Investing, Real Estate Investing

My Secret 3 Step Recipe

Wanna get more houses under contract? I’m going to share with you the exact same formula I use when talking with sellers. There’s really no gimmick or secret to it. But you do need to be a good listener. 1) Build rapport There are piles of books written by so-called “gurus” who will tell you

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Negotiations, Probate Investing, Real Estate Investing

Do Sellers Think You’re Selling Extended Car Warranties?

We live in an age of the scam artist. To be fair, the scam artist dates way back. Whether it’s snake oil or extended warranties for your car, or a Nigerian prince promising you piles of money, sleazy people have been taking advantage of the vulnerable for as long as anyone can remember. With the

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Probate Investing, Real Estate Investing

Tom’s Shoes

Have you ever heard of Tom’s Shoes? It’s a really interesting business that sells shoes online.Tom’s Shoes were all the rage a few years back. We even had a couple of pairs in the Vargas household. What differentiates them from everyone else selling shoes online is their unique business model. Their motto is “We’re in the

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