Mindset, Personal Story

Wedding Dance

God has blessed me in many ways and with many gifts. Rhythm is not one of them. When I am coaxed to hit the dance floor, I usually end up looking like Elaine from Seinfeld. Have you ever seen the episode where Elaine dances? It’s a classic! Here’s a link to check it out lol

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Has 247 Years Made That Big of a Difference?

So tomorrow is Independence Day. While most people are posting memes about fireworks or long weekends on their socials, I’m sitting here reflecting on what happened way back in 1776 that made our forefathers rise up against tyranny. It’s pretty crazy when you really think about it and put yourself in their shoes. By signing

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Personal Story, Probate Property

A Million Pennies

It’s crazy what some people find hidden in houses. Over the years I’ve discovered some pretty crazy stuff. My friends say that my probate stories are the stuff of legend. But some stories, while not as exciting, have meaning beyond the dollar value. I stumbled upon a news story this week about a family who

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Probate Niche

What the Heck Is Wrong with Canada?

Have you heard about the Canadian wildfires that are wreaking havoc across the midwest and east coast? If you live in a state that has been affected by this disaster, I know you know. The smoke from these fires, which have consumed almost 20 million acres of forests and continue to grow, has been drifting

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Mindset, Personal Story

Sometimes I Act Like I’m Five

I love celebrations. What better celebration is there than celebrating a birthday? And some of the best birthdays to celebrate are for kids. As we get older, birthdays can become sort of negative. Some people see them as one step closer to the grave. But kids’ birthdays are on a whole other level – the

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Was Visiting the Titanic Really Worth It?

By now I’m sure you’ve heard about the doomed Oceangate mission that was to visit the resting place of the Titanic. Five souls were lost in this tragic endeavor. But to me what’s even more sad is the flippant reaction of some to the event. The internet abounds with jokes and memes about what happened.

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Coaching, Probate

The First Rule of Book Club…

Yesterday I hosted a group discussion centered on the book Full Fee Agent by Chris Voss and Steve Shull. Now first off, this isn’t a book just for agents. If you are an investor, it is still a powerful read that will help propel your business forward way faster. We talked about what the book

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Personal Story, Probate Property

Honey Dripping From the Walls

I hope all had a great Father’s Day weekend. For me Saturday turned into an adventure that I didn’t have on the itinerary. I got a call on Friday evening right as I was closing down for the day that the property I had just picked up had an urgent matter I had to deal

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Mindset, Negotiations, Personal Story, Probate Property

Passing the Torch

Yesterday I took two of my kids with me to look at some deals that are under contract. It was a pretty fun day. They’re always asking what I do all day at work so it was exciting to explain the business. Who knows, maybe they’ll follow in my footsteps someday. One big lesson they

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Mindset, Negotiations, Probate Investing, Probate Nugget, Probate Property

Please Take My Money

Financing can be one of the most difficult parts of real estate investing. What most people don’t realize is that they have direct access to millions in private money hiding within your probate records. This month I am moving over 2.1 million in probate and trust real estate from a combined listing, and wholesaling transactions.

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Fighting Back Against Mother Nature

Last September I almost got stuck in Florida during Hurricane Ian. I flew into Tampa on Sunday and found out Monday morning that they were evacuating the city. The destruction dealt to the golf coast of Florida was incredible. Homes were destroyed, businesses ruined, and worst of all 148 people died. But it sounds like

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Business, Real Estate Investing

The Troll Apartment

The real estate market has been doing some funky things lately. Contrary to what everyone thought, rising interest rates haven’t really abated demand. But the changes in the market have opened some opportunities. Here in Los Angeles County there are still a few properties listed for under 250k. And one of them happens to be

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