Coaching, Mindset, Probate, Probate Investing

Probate and Passing the Test

The other day, my daughter hit a major milestone: she passed her driving test. And you know what? I was her driving instructor! Watching her work through the ups and downs of learning, practicing, and mastering the basics, I couldn’t help but see the connection to what it takes to succeed in real estate, especially

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Coaching, Mindset, Probate, Probate Investing

Struggling to Get Probate Deals? Try This Proven Approach

Yesterday, I had a conversation with a reader who told me he’d been sending letters for four months straight without a single response except for a few people asking to be taken off his list. He’s been putting money into this effort, ready to close his first probate deal, but seeing nothing come back in

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Coaching, Probate

The First Rule of Book Club…

Yesterday I hosted a group discussion centered on the book Full Fee Agent by Chris Voss and Steve Shull. Now first off, this isn’t a book just for agents. If you are an investor, it is still a powerful read that will help propel your business forward way faster. We talked about what the book

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Fighting Back Against Mother Nature

Last September I almost got stuck in Florida during Hurricane Ian. I flew into Tampa on Sunday and found out Monday morning that they were evacuating the city. The destruction dealt to the golf coast of Florida was incredible. Homes were destroyed, businesses ruined, and worst of all 148 people died. But it sounds like

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Breakfast Sausage Wisdom

It’s no secret that the current market has been a challenge. While the past year has seen a ton of new fortune seekers enter the real estate arena, I’ve seen just as many throw in the towel and go back to being a slave of an ordinary 9 to 5 job because of the uncertainty

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Personal Story, Probate

But She’s Not A Woman – She’s Just A Kid

Have you ever seen the 1991 movie “Father of the Bride”? Steve Martin plays the character, George, whose daughter is getting married. My oldest daughter, Christina (some of you may have talked to her – she works with me here in the Probate Fox den), is getting married this summer to a fine young man

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Negotiations, Probate

He Ran Out of Gas During His Driving Test at the DMV

Yesterday I took my son, Ernie Jr., to the DMV so he could take his driver’s test. I don’t know how it works where you are, but here in L.A., we had to wait in our car in a long line of cars for Ernie’s turn to take the test. As we were waiting, a

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Mindset, Probate

Oops, I Forgot They Don’t Celebrate Thanksgiving

I was talking with some friends of mine this morning who are very successful entrepreneurs in Europe. Our group connects often to talk about what everyone is doing in their business. But we also talk about family. We all share the same belief that our faith and family come first. We help each other stay

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Probate, Probate Niche, Probate Questions Answered

Finding Leads in the Obituaries

This past week one of the members of our Probate Real Estate Mastery Facebook group asked about searching the obituaries for probate leads. This is a question that requires a thorough answer so I decided to kick off Thursday’s free Probate Essentials Q&A call by digging into this question. I know if one person asks

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Personal Story, Probate

Why Would Someone Make a Life-Size Han Solo Out of Bread?

Growing up in the 80s, I couldn’t help but be a huge Star Wars fan. The story of a fledgling republic fighting against the tyrannical empire captivated me. The groundbreaking special effects amazed me. The ensuing decades and questionable prequels and sequels haven’t dampened my enthusiasm. Then I heard about two bakers in Benicia, California

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You Can’t Surf In Venice

Back in July when I toured Italy with my family, we made it a point to stop in Venice. Its beauty is unparalleled. Its history is evident in its architecture. And the ancient Italians built all of this on top of the water! Venice is actually a protected world heritage site and a number of

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Make This Probate Mistake and You’ll Go to Jail

Earlier this week I told you about my visit to the Magic Castle. One thing I didn’t tell you is that there are absolutly no pictures taking allowed. Wanna take a picture of the magican performing? No way! Wanna share a pic of your dinner on instagram? Think again or you’ll be banned for life.

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